Monday, December 3, 2007

Step Six

Thesis: Although some gay rights may cause controversy within the society, the government should allow homosexuals an equal living opportunity to uphold normal living standards.
-Homosexuals may cause chaos in the society. An individual should not change their personal feelings based on anyone else. However, it takes a healthy society to create a sustainable nation.
-If gay marriage is legalized, there will be tax break issues that the government will have to deal with. If gay people are given the same rights as heterosexual couples, then the government will lose money and will have to find away to recover the lost money. Therefore, everyone will have to start paying higher taxes. Although the tax breaks will cost the government money or force taxes for everyone to be higher, it is necessary to take proper actions in ensuring that homosexuals have an equal opportunity. Homosexual couples are just like heterosexual couples and should be given the same benefits and treated with the same respect.
- Gays and lesbians are at a greater risk of receiving more serious health problems than heterosexuals within our growing society. It has been statistically proven that they have more health problems, which will cause health insurance companies more money to cover homosexual couples. However, even though it will cost them more money, homosexual married couples should be allowed to receive the same benefits as heterosexual couples. They should be covered with equal health care benefits or maybe even offered a better plan. In addition, some jobs cover the employee and their spouses insurance. If something happens to the employee and their spouse is of the same sex, then the insurance company will not cover the spouse anymore. This is a problem because the spouse will no longer be covered with insurance and problems will arise. Therefore, if gay marriage was legalized, the spouse would not have to worry about losing their insurance if their spouse died.
-Another problem with gay marriage is if they should be allowed to adopt children or not. Living with gay parents may not feel as comfortable to children as living with a normal family. They also might suffer harassment from other students in school and have a harder life. However, if they are adopted as a baby and raised by homosexuals, then that is all they will ever know. They will never have had the opportunity to withstand the living standards with a heterosexual couple. Therefore, their life would not be as difficult. Of course the living conditions will be different; however, there will not be too many major problems. Questions may come about, but the living arrangements will be simple. The United States if a free country, so if gay couples want to adopt they should be given every right too.
- One of the most discussed issues concerning gay rights is the religious view of this controversy. Some people believe that gay marriage and gay rights are completely immoral because the Bible says and man and woman should marry. However, gays should not be discriminated because of the religious point of view. Discrimination is wrong in this situation and this issue should not be thought about from a religious point of view.
.Appeal to Audience: We will gain trust from the audience by providing evidence from homosexual couples. We will prove that there are some positive and negative qualities concerning gay rights and gay marriage. Also, we will come to a compromise about this issue and provide evidence to support our decision. Audience: The audience is going to be anyone who is concerned about this issue of gay rights, whether they are for them or against them.

1 comment:

MR. MILLION said...

It sounds like you are advocating for homosexual couples to have access to the same rights heterosexual couples have access to. What about homosexual marriage?

Watch words like "normal" and "chaos". They are tricky and very connotative words. Are you going the route we talked about: No marriage, but some sort of legal union to have access to family health insurance and for tax purposes?

Just make sure you have the evidence to back up your claims. Your thesis needs to be stronger, more to the point.